Matrix Articles
Essential Work In Preparation For Exiting The Matrix
By Michelle Walling Editor, We’ve come a long way, baby.! Over the years I have posted articles that share tips on what I felt the essential work for that time period should be. This information was gathered from my own life as well as the general consensus of people I have worked with and […]
In this interview, Matrix actress Carrie-Ann Moss is interviewed by Lewis Howes on awareness and consciousness:
Important Semantics- Raising Your Vibration Vs. Frequency Oscillation
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Our body has consciousness and listens to what we say. Sometimes our words are like swords which limit us in manifesting our true intentions and thoughts, and this can keep us stuck in one reality. In order to exit from the lower dimensional control matrix, we need to understand […]
Emotional Management
By Tom Montalk Have you ever gotten emotionally riled up over events which later turned out to be trivial? Do little things happen around you which “coincidentally” poke at your emotional sore spots? Does it seem like someone “behind the curtain” is pushing your buttons? In many cases, someone or something is. This article […]
Chosen Ones and Special Missions
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, A popular false light tactic is to make you feel like you are a “chosen one”, with a mission that is more important than anything else in your life. Many people jump into their mission with things like healing and channeling without doing the inner work first, because […]
5 Examples Of Deception I Uncovered During My Deep Healing
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, As we continue to move forward in our healing and clearing, we can look back on where we have been to see what we have learned. Because we are now into uncharted territory where the forerunners are learning about clearing low vibrational energies simply by experiencing them and trying […]
Identify Your Agent Smith In The Matrix
By Arno Pienaar The time has come to identify the force that works through the unconsciousness infiltrating the consciousness of everyone involved. Agent Smith is everywhere! People on Earth hold the greatest power; it is this power that has been manipulated by an unseen force that survives through the unconsciousness. Understanding Agent Smith Agent […]
The Truth About Lucifer, Yahweh, The Harvest, And The Ascension
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, In a 60 page interview by an alleged ruling bloodline priest going by the name of “Hidden Hand”, I read an interesting synopsis of the nature of our reality in the matrix, who the creator of this matrix is, and Lucifer’s role in the matrix. First, I am going […]
This Electromagnetic Field Around Every Person Becomes Depleted With Unhealthiness
By Josh Richardson Since ancient times we have seen pictures and paintings of different spiritual leaders across various traditions but one thing that is common among all of them is the halo that surrounds their head which is known as the Aura- energy field. Many have dismissed Auras, especially those professed to be experts […]