Tag: Black Magic

What Are Negative Disincarnates Or Negative Spirits?

Filed in Negative Entities by on May 15, 2017
What Are Negative Disincarnates Or Negative Spirits?

By Lisa Renee Energysynthesis.com What are Negative Disincarnates or Negative Spirits? All of what we can see with our eyes in the physical realm has a spiritual or energetic component, or type of consciousness, that exists in the same space or another dimension of time. All of what we cannot see wth our physical eyes […]

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Love Bite Plus- Panel Discussion on Paranormal Interferences In Human Love Relationships

Filed in Negative Entities, Videos by on October 9, 2016
Love Bite Plus- Panel Discussion on Paranormal Interferences In Human Love Relationships

By Bernhard Guenther www.veilofreality.com We have completed a 3 hour and 22 minute Panel Discussion on The Love Bite and The Dark Side of Cupid topic (October 17th, 2015). This is the most comprehensive discussion yet available on the internet on the theme of paranormal interference in human love relationships. Panel Discussion participants:
 Eve Lorgen, James Bartley, Laura […]

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How False Light Spiritual Hierarchy Works

How False Light Spiritual Hierarchy Works

By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com The amount of information pouring forth about the false light matrix and hierarchy has been rapidly increasing in the last year. This has served as confirmation for those who are still seeking proof that change is occurring.  The main goal of the false light agenda is to keep us […]

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Free E-book: The Great American Adventure by Judge Dale

Filed in Awakening by on March 4, 2015
Free E-book: The Great American Adventure by Judge Dale

“The following information provided by Judge Dale (a retired federal judge) is extremely important for all Americans. Since the founding of our country, the ‘elite’ (and their Robber Baron partners) have fabricated our history, taken control of our economy and altered our form of government and legal system. The Judge describes the people and events […]

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