Tag: discernment
Developing Discernment
by Mashubi Rochell Learning to See Truth in Today’s Complex World: A new time is upon us as the many challenges of today’s world escalate and cry out for healing. What is needed now is concerted action on the part of each individual, to join together with others to create positive change in the world. […]
Discerning Alien Information By Tom Montalk
If aliens revealed themselves to the world, how would we know they were friendly? Would it be enough for them to arrive without violence, offer gifts of scientific knowledge, and guide us toward achieving global peace and unity? Not necessarily. Hostile aliens may disguise themselves as friendly helpers to capture our hearts before ensnaring our […]
How to Discern False Angels
By Kim Hutchinson www.clayhuthealing.ca Recently I was contacted by someone who was concerned about the beings that he was channeling. They claimed to be archangels, and yet these beings were untruthful, manipulative and occasionally even malicious. They even gave him unwanted ‘attunements’. This is not the first time I have encountered false angels. Several years […]
The Three Levels Of Learning Discernment
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com Our consciousness is experiencing this lifetime in a holographic matrix, and we are existing on many levels and many places at the same time. Really, the only thing real here is our Source energy consciousness. However, in order to move out of this reality into one that is more […]
How Black Magic is Controlling Humanity
by Michelle Walling, CHLC In order to explain how our world came to be controlled by a small group of beings we call the Illuminati, one should know the truth about black magic and how it is used on us. By taking away the illusion of black magic, humanity can realize how to outsmart, outwit, […]