Tag: mind control
Galactic War, Mind Control, The Matrix and You, Learning How To Break Free

By Rich West Richwest.net In this video, Rich discusses the essence of the mind control matrix and how it works. He also discusses what the Federations are doing about it here on planet Earth. NOTE: This is not PG rated due to language
Origins And Techniques Of Monarch Mind Control

by VC Source: Bodymindsoulspirit.com Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim) and the […]
Guidelines To Positive Spiritual Contact

by Lisa Renee Energysynthesis.com We are poised for more direct experiences of Positive Spiritual Contact and that has some requirements to be careful of discerning the manipulation agendas. 1. Be aware of the bigger picture to comprehend that Alien Agenda’s are influencing human events that we see every day in the material world. Behind the […]
Soul Psychology- Energy Synthesis Lisa Renee’

By Lisa Renee Energysynthesis.com “The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations The Controllers desperately want us to forget that we have Souls. Even though we exist in a material world filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and Consciousness, they would like us to […]
10 Modern Methods of Mind Control

By Nicholas West Activistpost.com The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the […]
The Three Levels Of Learning Discernment

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com Our consciousness is experiencing this lifetime in a holographic matrix, and we are existing on many levels and many places at the same time. Really, the only thing real here is our Source energy consciousness. However, in order to move out of this reality into one that is more […]
Multidimensional Mind Control Technologies

By Carlos Tavares Contributing writer for howtoexitthematrix.com All potential exists. If it can be conceived by mind then there is a corresponding world with that reality somewhere in one of those Solar Systems in the Mutli-Verse, somewhere in a slither of a dimension of frequency. Maybe that world is the very world we are in […]