Tag: vibrational frequency
Important Semantics- Raising Your Vibration Vs. Frequency Oscillation

By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com Our body has consciousness and listens to what we say. Sometimes our words are like swords which limit us in manifesting our true intentions and thoughts, and this can keep us stuck in one reality. In order to exit from the lower dimensional control matrix, we need to understand […]
Essential Self ‘Work’ In Preparation For The Shift

By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com If you currently feel like you are without direction or perhaps you are struggling to ride the waves, there may still be a bit of self “work” that is left to clear your energy field. Those who are completing the self work are finally feeling “unplugged” from the matrix. […]
A New Matrix Provides A New Hologram For Earth

By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, HowToExitTheMatrix A matrix is a grid system that provides the vessel required to have a physical representation of consciousness (light) in the form of a physical human body. The matrix on Earth was hijacked by those who dominated and controlled us for millennia through frequency technology fences and changes to […]
11 Warning Signs From The Universe That You’re On The Wrong Path

By Andrea Schulman Raiseyourvibrationtoday.com Many people believe that things “just happen” to them, but as we connect more closely to our intuition we are shown that everything that happens to us is of our own creation. We may not be fully aware of what we are creating moment to moment, but fortunately the universe provides […]