The Three Levels Of Learning Discernment

Filed in Articles by Michelle Walling by on April 12, 2015
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by Michelle Walling, CHLC

Our consciousness is experiencing this lifetime in a holographic matrix, and we are existing on many levels and many places at the same time. Really, the only thing real here is our Source energy consciousness. However, in order to move out of this reality into one that is more pleasing, we have had to become a sleuth in order to find the highest path. Discernment is the tool that we use to accomplish the highest and best outcome in any particular moment.

I had a really sweet lady on Facebook ask me, “How do you know what you know”? I have been asked this many times, so I thought it would be helpful to share the most important things that I do in order to discern. I told her that I have practiced running things through my inner guidance, and in response she asked me how to do this. She said that she has relied on her critical thinking skills to discern. Although practiced discernment can involve balancing the left/ logical side of the brain with the right/ creative side, real discernment involves being grounded in your center by using your heart, balanced brain, and your solar plexus chakra or gut instinct.

Beginning discernment- questioning everything

When I first began my awakening about five years ago, it started with the subject of ghosts. I was drawn to watch a show called “Ghost Hunters” on television, where evidence of disembodied spirits was presented and then left to the property owner to discern the validity or meaning. I had always questioned religion, heaven, and hell, and from this show I realized that people never really die. This sparked a million questions and I began to read all I could about this. I followed clues and my gut instincts which led to many different subjects of study, including near death experiences and psychic mediumship. I began to question everything and to immerse myself in as much learning as I could.

Along the way I was faced with some really tough discernment lessons. I joined a group that had convinced me that I was going to magically “rejuvenate” my body which would prepare me for ascension in to the fifth dimension in 2012. I always questioned that something was not right about this, especially the fact that I would be leaving some of my friends and family “behind” and that I was special. It was a long agonizing wait until the day of ascension came…. and went. I got lost for a while in disappointment and began to review things that had given me clues that I had previously ignored, showing that something was not right. That was my first big lesson and I learned a lot about discernment from it. However, I know that I went through that experience for a reason, and I have to have trust in the ultimate plan.

Along the way I was faced with some really tough discernment lessons. I joined a group that had convinced me that I was going to magically “rejuvenate” my body which would prepare me for ascension in to the fifth dimension in 2012. I always questioned that something was not right about this, especially the fact that I would be leaving some of my friends and family “behind” and that I was special. It was a long agonizing wait until the day of ascension came…. and went. I got lost for a while in disappointment and began to review things that had given me clues that I had previously ignored, showing that something was not right. That was my first big lesson and I learned a lot about discernment from it. in5d

From early on, the people in this group had taught about discernment. They said that everyone needed to “go within” to find all of the answers, and to not take everything that people offer outside of yourselves. Another thing I learned is that the timelines and possibilities shift every moment in the now, and our consciousness also time travels into the past in order to change the future. I realized that it may have really been a possibility that we were supposed to transform into our light bodies by 2012, but something changed in our collective timeline.

These people, whom I still care about, had been focused on a particular timeline that did not occur. Somehow I knew we were headed for a different timeline but I never spoke my truth about it until now. It is also interesting to note that for me, I am neutral as to whether that timeline was a missed opportunity or if I am better off not on that timeline. For all I know, they could have all joined that timeline and left a remnant of themselves here to keep my illusion going. What I do know is that I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now.

I was still very much “in my head” in the beginning of my awakening. It does take some realizations and lessons to learn what that means and how to understand the mental mind. The mental mind is the main thing that is interfered with because it exists in the astral realm and is tied into the physical brain. It is used to keep us programmed and naïve. Getting out of the mental mind doesn’t mean turning off your mind as much as learning what is being placed there by others and taking full control of what thoughts you allow yourself to experience.

Gradual discernment

While trying to learn how to practice discernment, it helps to have someone you can run things by. Yes, sometimes outside opinion does help in order to figure out how to reach your own inner truth. You may read or write something and then you seek the approval of others in order to get a consensus of opinions. Then you can think back to what different parts felt like to you. For example, complete bullshit may have left you with a depressed feeling or maybe a little queasy, and something that really rings true to you will excite you and make you want to learn more.

In gradual discernment, the main focus is moving out of the mental mind where you are using logical thinking. This has been the program most of us have been running our whole lives. This reality we exist in is not logical, and in fact everything is backwards and upside down. It is like a hall of mirrors in a fun house. Getting down into your heart and your sacral chakra, or gut, is the key. It is important to pay attention to your body’s clues, for each cell in the body has consciousness and is able to communicate with your spirit and higher mind. ellner in5d

In gradual discernment, the main focus is moving out of the mental mind where you are using logical thinking. This has been the program most of us have been running our whole lives. This reality we exist in is not logical, and in fact everything is backwards and upside down. It is like a hall of mirrors in a fun house. Getting down into your heart and your sacral chakra, or gut, is the key. It is important to pay attention to your body’s clues, for each cell in the body has consciousness and is able to communicate with your spirit and higher mind.

For example, when I am speaking my truth or when I hear someone else speaking their truth, I get chills up and down the inside of my body on the left side. My cells are vibrating at a higher level and I feel the difference. Everyone will have their own barometer and it does take a little work to practice feeling and comparing things.

The body can lead you anywhere. It will tell you what it prefers to eat over what it does not like by how it reacts to certain foods. It will tell you where stuck energy is through pain or disease. It is a wonderful barometer of truth and is not able to lie. Learning to listen to your body and even having a conversation with your body is possible if you are aware that you can do it.

Advanced discernment

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that in order to know the real truth, I needed to fully embody my “higher self” into my physical body. Because the higher self is of a higher vibration, it has a hard time existing in something that is full of negativity or denseness. The higher self is comprised of your higher mind, your guidance, and your other ‘selves” that have achieved a broader understanding outside of the matrix. Really, these are all one at a higher level, but this is how we can understand at this level of illusory separation.

My body certainly needed a lot of clearing work to do before I even got the idea of inviting my higher consciousness to join me as much as possible in this denseness. I had to clean house in order to make room for this energy. It has been a gradual road but I can definitely tell that communicating with this part of me and inviting it in to join me has made a huge difference in my ability to discern. I feel like healing and integrating the wholeness that is our higher self is one of the most important things we can do right now.

Also see: Going Within – The Door To Higher Consciousness

Centering and grounding

When your higher self is invited into your reality, you can use your higher mind, high heart, sacral chakra, and whole body to work together to begin to access the truth. This is called centering. In this matrix of duality and polarity, the truth is twisted in order to keep you confused. This confusion keeps you from being centered and calm. Centering allows you to see what parts are over-layed onto the truth so that you can dissolve the deception.

Another important element needed to integrate the wholeness of you is grounding. Grounding to the core sentient consciousness and energy of the planet is vitally important for many reasons. For one, Mother Earth is resonating at a frequency that will help to clear out the “gunk” we have accumulated not only in this lifetime but in all of our lifetimes. She is doing this service for us in order to heal the past and to raise our consciousness. Another reason is that some people’s higher self can have a hard time staying in the body. It could come and go if you do not provide a stabilized place for it to exist. Grounding will take care of that.

Another great benefit of grounding is that when you connect to the planet, you are connected to Source. Who has all of the answers? Source, our creator, the “all that is” does, and we are a fractal of that.

Finding your truth

When you begin to speak your truth, it is imperative that you share the parts that you have personally experienced. Parroting another’s lessons is only as beneficial to another as the energy you give it. If you really feel like someone has laid out their truths and this is interesting enough to share, then of course it may benefit someone else. However, the highest level of help you can give another is by sharing your own story. Your truth can be derived from this lifetime combined with all of the experiences of other lifetimes as well, which can be accessed within.

We are a part of Source and you would think it would be easy to get all of the answers, right? We have to get around an illusory veil that is experienced in this particular version of this human body in order to access this information. Dissolving the veil by going within and connecting with your own truth is the best way I know to be able to discern.

Elements of the truth can change

We exist multi-dimensionally and are having many different experiences at the same time on the other side of this veil. Because we are always learning, expanding, and healing, there are various levels of understanding that must be experienced in order to grow. We have to trust our guidance and know that we may have needed a certain experience in order to heal a past life or to finalize some thread of our existence. Your truth, one day, may have been an intended lesson in order to know what others might be going through. Or, perhaps you needed to fall for some deception in order to know what it felt like to question it in your gut? Just like a baby learns how to walk, we sometimes must fall down in order to get right back up and move forward.

Timeline and possibility jumping, healing stuck energies, and every decision we make in the now determines our future experience. The more we embody our true self and bring in our higher consciousness, the more we will be able to transform our existence in this now moment. Almost everything I have learned throughout my life has been a lie, including the New Age studies I had in my earlier level of awakening, what I was taught in school, and most everything I have watched on television.

An important part of discernment is to be able to trust that where you have been and what you have fallen for was not a waste of time. Judgment of the path behind you will not allow you to turn around and sprint forward.

I have determined a set of hard core truths for myself, which include:

  1. The high frequency of love is changing the world, galaxy, universe and beyond
  2. I am more powerful than any of the beings that are fighting to steal my Source energy
  3. I am existing in a holographic illusion that someone else created
  4. I am co-creating this reality within this illusion but have been trapped in cycles of time by those who tricked me into accepting their reality.

I have smaller sets of sub-truths that help me to stay sane in an insane world. There are very few truths I can align with in the esoteric, spiritual, and metaphysical communities, because all of us are learning that we have been mind controlled and greatly deceived for a very long time. Getting out of the mind and within our Source energy is the exit to this matrix existence we find ourselves in, and is one of the biggest challenges we face. It becomes easier as you practice and the veil dissolves faster and faster the more you give it your attention.

One day soon, a small group of very powerful humans will break through the illusion barrier for all of humanity. We are all connected and we are all helping each other whenever we work on ourselves. Our truth has been hijacked and we are demanding that it be returned. Until then, our body, Mother Earth, and our higher consciousness can help us to discern if we spend the time to connect. Being centered and grounded allows a sense of calm peace in a world that has gone completely insane.

About the author:
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, and writer. Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.

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