The Dissolution Of The False Light Construct

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The Dissolution Of The False Light Construct

By David Manning
Contributing Writer,

Over the past couple of months, in energy work sessions, something really interesting has been showing up. I wasn’t at all sure what I was seeing at first. Then, as it became clear, I was amazed at the scale of the process. What I was seeing in individual fields was the dissolution of the False Light Construct (FLC).

This is a really big deal. The FLC has been operational for many thousands of years on this planet. I don’t pretend to know much of its history. But I’ll talk about what it is that I have come to understand.

Basically, we, Humanity, have been fooled. Largely by the organised religions on this planet. We have been taught that there are a huge number of rules and regulations governing our morality, our behaviour, our salvation. We have been taught that there are ways we need to behave if we want to get into “heaven”, if we want even the slightest chance of meeting god. The very natural process of spiritual evolution has been twisted and tainted with guilt, fear and shame, and made into something unnatural.

Over many centuries, our connection to the earth has been deeply compromised. We have trained into an understanding that the earth holds the hell zones, and investigating those regions underneath us was dangerous.

As a largely uneducated and superstitious population, we were a tricked into believing a natural connection with other dimensions, and psychic abilities to perceive other worlds, actually meant we were consorting with Satan. Our great nature spirit deva Pan became the devil. Sensuality, sexuality and a deep pleasurable relationship with our own body was twisted into something shameful and guilt ridden.

Our capacity to receive energy rising naturally from the earth into our systems, to an able us to feel fully nourished and nurtured was minimised, so we would experience more lack, and come to hunger for wealth rather than experience true abundance, which is perpetual flow, moving through us.

The connectedness we have had to the sun, another vast source of energy that sustains us, has also been massively diminished. Our worship of a being, a male deity that is jealous, vengeful, and wrathful, has been funneled through priests and organisations that have been among the most corrupt, dangerous and bloodthirsty institutions on the planet.

We have been taught to believe that penance and suffering were ways to collect spiritual brownie points. Martyrdom was saintly, women are second class citizens, and that “man shall have dominion over the earth.” Look where that one has got us.

These teachings have been layered artfully into the collective field over thousands of years. They have bound us in torturous constructs that have sapped vitality and well being, and literally siphoned off vast quantities of prayer energy and supplication into the FLC.

This False Light Construct is now falling apart. It exists as a multidimensional piece of architecture, vast, seemingly all encompassing. It’s very clever in its architecture. It actually only exists in the 4th dimension. You simply have to climb into higher dimensions to realise it as an illusion. Trouble is, the 4th dimension is vast, and if you are bound into this 4th dimensional Construct, climbing higher is made much more difficult.

Whole realms of purgatory and limbo have been created, along with Summerlands and heavens, and they are all illusory traps that exist as part of the False Light Construct.

Why? Well, we, as humans are extraordinarily creative beings. We are Alchemical zones of creation, spinning vast fields of energy through our systems. We are also very easy to manipulate, if we don’t have access to the truth. And we haven’t for a long time. So the off planetary races that have been controlling things here for ages have infiltrated all of the systems of religion, perhaps even constructing them from their beginnings, as a way of binding humanity into knots. It has been a neatly devised system crafted in order to farm us for our vast output of creative energy.

The energies of sex, shame, guilt, fear, prayer, supplication, sacrifice, obedience, powerlessness, all of these feed the FLC. It’s a breathtakingly well designed Construct. And now it’s dissolving.

I’ve seen it happening in energy fields as I’m working with individuals. I know now that if I see something repeatedly, that I am being shown something that is available for the collective. Eric Raines also has seen this happening. This is truly liberating.

We are shedding at last the systems of religion that have been used to suppress and diminish rather than set us free.

We, of course, have been instrumental in the creation of these big constructs. How exciting it is to be present on the planet for their collapse?

This dissolution of the FLC is a part of the greater emptying out of the whole of the 4th dimension, as we integrate, process and move through all that we stored there. Those of us choosing to become conscious are dealing with all our illusions, fantasies, projections and energetic creations that have been holding in the astral for thousands of years. Those that are not choosing to evolve at this time, will be projecting them onto others. We see this happening on a large scale across the planet. It is now more important than ever to do the work of refining our field, integrating the shadow, and accessing and anchoring the ever higher frequencies that are present for us. Any work we have to do becomes very clear very quickly, and is hugely supported. It moves through smoothly and with ease.

The 4th dimension, the astral field, holds duality, and all the polarised states. We are moving beyond those now, and so 5th dimensional frequencies are where we need to anchor ourselves. From there, we can witness much of the coming chaos, with relative calm.

David Manning is a speaker at the Starseed Reunion Conference In London on May 28, 2017. Fin out more information about how to see him in person on the In5d Events page HERE.

David holds conference calls that take you deep within yourself for refining your field, integrating the shadow, and anchoring the light. Find out about these calls on his website,

Contact David at

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