What To Avoid When Timeline Jumping

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What To Avoid When Timeline Jumping

By Michelle Walling, CHLC
Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com

As we continue to accelerate towards a timeline split or bifurcation of timelines, we are steering the collective consciousness towards the highest and best outcome. The role as a timeline jumper (master of vibration) is of utmost importance at this time, but there are pitfalls to avoid that one needs to understand.

The false matrix system overlay is run by an artificial intelligence computer. Within this artificial matrix, there have been artificial “black holes” inserted which can pull you down into a swirling vortex of chaos and fear. In Vedic and other writings, the black hole “tube”tube is depicted as a snake.

A person gets sucked into the tube when they lower their vibrational resonance. This can happen for many reasons. Arguments, misunderstandings, jealousy, addictions, drugs, alcohol, emotional traumas, and sickness are just examples that can escalate to magnetizing you to the tube. Interactions with others out of fear, anxiety, or ego can draw you towards the mouth of the snake. When you are in the tube, your reality shifts from riding the wave to being caught in the undertow.

Things in your personal life that seemed to be cleared come up again. People may seem to attack you from many different directions all at once. Rather than life seamlessly unfolding, there is struggle and chaos. Nothing seems to be going right when you are in the tube.

When we fall into the tube, instinctively we tend to want to hide in our cave to think about what has happened and why. We remember that meditation, grounding and centering, sleeping, nature, and solitude have helped us feel better in the past. As we begin to crawl out of the tube by practicing alchemy, we see that our reality shifts back to where everything seems to be going smoothly again.

Our roller coaster rides in and out of the tube have seemed to be the norm for most of us over this lifetime. As we begin to become more conscious of what actions and thoughts take us down the tube, we learn how to change our lives to keep things on the level. As the cosmic and Source energies bathe the planet, we have also noticed that the times that we get sucked into the tube have decreased, as well as the amount of time we stay stuck in the tube when we fall.

We literally create our reality and our reality is tied into the collective. Wayshowers help pull others along as they serve as examples. The more we jump over the tubes, the more we can master how to hold space for the collective and to be the ones to stay centered and balanced. Then we can have the most fun timeline jumping or attracting the highest and best timelines to ourselves and for the collective.

We must learn to forgive ourselves each time we fall into the tube. Remember, sometimes we jump into the tube in order to help pull someone out. Rather than worry too much about the tube or if you are doing things right, try to do better each day by realizing where your vibration is in comparison to how your reality is unfolding.

The choices you make every day magnetize you to a particular future timeline. You can learn to timeline jump farther than most when you stay in the highest integrity and vibrational resonance. As you do this, the black hole traps in the matrix begin to dissolve out of your reality and eventually, the false matrix overlay will bifurcate completely. This is a great example of the work that you are doing for the collective, even if you don’t realize it.

About the author
Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in starseed support. She is an international public speaker, writer, and webmaster. In 2013, Michelle started writing spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric articles for In5d.com. Michelle is the webmaster for MichelleWalling.com and howtoexitthematrix.com.
Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here. To contact Michelle or to book a session, please visit michellewalling.com.

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