20 Signs Of Implantation

Filed in Awakening, Healing, Negative Entities by on July 25, 2018
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implantsBy Louisa Love
Guest writer, howtoexitthematrix.com

The Extraterrestrial Deception that is taking place here on Earth is a highly controversial subject, as it still remains hidden behind the layers of earthly mind distractions. To those of you who have raised your consciousness to such a degree that you can see, feel, hear or know that it is here this article will be hugely helpful.

Abduction by the Grays

Back in 2013, around two weeks after my own rather dramatic kundalini awakening, an extraterrestrial group known as the Gray’s abducted me. These beings definitely did not have my highest and best at heart. In fact, these beings seem to be void of feelings and to be working for a hierarchal controlling ET hive mind like network that has infected earth and humanity over thousands of years. Due to this particular time line we are in, a time that was even predicted by many different ancient cultures as ‘the end of time’, ‘the great purification’, ‘the awakening’, etc. many of us are now starting to awaken from our sleep or unconsciousness.

Due to my awakening and to my ability to hold more light these controlling beings now saw me as a threat. I also willingly went with them, as I was completely uninformed of what was going on. The questions I had was, “Why are we being abducted and implanted?”.

We seem to be an energy source for different astral or fourth dimensional beings. We are enslaved by our own low vibrational fears and limited thinking and we have forgotten how powerful we really are. These inter dimensional beings can only take our energy when we give our power away by allowing our monkey programmed minds to run the show.

The gray’s implanted me with many different types of energetic or astral implants, and some of these implants that are highly parasitic and seem to have a bio-genetic life form, can grow, shrink and effect our thoughts, were aggressively implanted within my psyche also affecting my physical body. Over the last 2 years I have been learning how to deal with these implants, and I have come to learn that these implants/entity structures cannot remain within our bodies or our mind if we remove its food source. These implants feed off unconscious fears and old or recent traumas that is stored within the body/mind. Some of these traumas may even date back to previous or parallel lifetimes. For instance, I was shown two past life traumatic deaths that I was able to clear and heal.

Avoiding an ET Abduction

How we can avoid an ET abduction scenario? I know how to do this now as I have experienced the power of my own righteous anger. Yes, you’ve read right … anger. You see, within the New Age religion there exists much programming that shames our natural feelings such as anger. We are left open and gullible as easy targets for these types of post awakening abductions. Most people who are abducted have no memory of it, as memories are wiped clean. Literally from one day to the next they feel possessed, tormented, and completely out of control. Usually at this stage mental health is called in. Unexpressed anger is unhealthy for us, but expressed anger, laying down our boundaries and stepping into our power as sovereign god-beings saying no is absolutely essential along our path of awakening to our own God/Goddess selves. The last time these beings came for me I telepathically told them to f*** off. They immediately packed up and left. I have full memory of this event, as they were unable to wipe my memory.

Symptoms and signs of implantation

1. Nightmares
2. Crawling sensation over or within body
3. Feeling anxious and out of control
4. Being completely unable to let go of certain thoughts.
5. Suicidal thoughts
6. Physical body becoming super sensitive. I have met many clients with autoimmune disorders who are completely aware of the implants. I have even wondered if the immune system is actually attacking the implants and so it looks as if the body’s immune system is attacking itself! Something to think about.
7. Tight necks shoulders and back related issues.
8. Extreme fear at odd times, such as waking every night at the same time in cold sweat from fear
9. Overwhelmed by negativity
10. Tightness over face, head, or other body parts.
11. Static like feeling over head
12. Buzzing or white noise in ears
13. Depression, violent thoughts
14. Feeling drained and exhausted
15. Hopelessness and despair
16. Addiction to sex, drugs, gambling, etc
17. Feeling as if you are out of your body
18. An inability to connect to your feelings/numbness/lack of empathy
19. Nausea or tight feeling in solar plexus
20. Some highly sensitive people can feel energetic tentacle like structures wrapped around their windpipe, the sternum, etc.

I discuss how to neutralize the implants in my next article “32 Ways Of Neutralizing Implants” on howtoexitthematrix.com.


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