Unplug From The Matrix
How To Win The Matrix Game
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com There is an undeniable main theme or lesson around “near death” experiences that answers a lot of questions about the matrix. Lately I have been watching a lot of these videos with accounts of lifting out of the physical plane and it is fascinating to hear the many versions […]
Essential Work In Preparation For Exiting The Matrix
By Michelle Walling Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com We’ve come a long way, baby.! Over the years I have posted articles that share tips on what I felt the essential work for that time period should be. This information was gathered from my own life as well as the general consensus of people I have worked with and […]
Archaix Analysis Of The Matrix- AIX Unveiled
Video by Jason Breshears Archaix.com Narrative by Michelle Walling, How To Exit The Matrix In this video, Jason decodes the first Matrix movie and shares some very interesting theories about AI (X) as it pertains to the reality we are in. He also points out how Hollywood inserted what he calls “Dungeon Programming”, twisting the […]
Important Semantics- Raising Your Vibration Vs. Frequency Oscillation
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com Our body has consciousness and listens to what we say. Sometimes our words are like swords which limit us in manifesting our true intentions and thoughts, and this can keep us stuck in one reality. In order to exit from the lower dimensional control matrix, we need to understand […]
Galactic War, Mind Control, The Matrix and You, Learning How To Break Free
By Rich West Richwest.net In this video, Rich discusses the essence of the mind control matrix and how it works. He also discusses what the Federations are doing about it here on planet Earth. NOTE: This is not PG rated due to language
5 Examples Of Deception I Uncovered During My Deep Healing
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com As we continue to move forward in our healing and clearing, we can look back on where we have been to see what we have learned. Because we are now into uncharted territory where the forerunners are learning about clearing low vibrational energies simply by experiencing them and trying […]
Essential Self ‘Work’ In Preparation For The Shift
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com If you currently feel like you are without direction or perhaps you are struggling to ride the waves, there may still be a bit of self “work” that is left to clear your energy field. Those who are completing the self work are finally feeling “unplugged” from the matrix. […]
Activating Your Latent DNA Is Easier Than You Think
By Michelle Walling Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com One of the most prevalent questions about ascension is how to activate DNA. If you remember that everything is backwards and upside down, you will have a good clue to what it takes to activate your latent DNA. Connecting the “junk DNA” referred to by matrix scientists is actually the […]
Integration Of The Oversoul
By Humanity Healing Oversoul is a word that was originally coined to express the various aspects a very complex concept inside of the program of evolution: the parts of the Monadic Essence of Creation. The monad is a Greek philosophy term meaning “unit” and was used variously by ancient philosophers from the Pythagoreans to […]