Tag: timelines
The New Timeline Is Emerging

By Colin Joe Byrne Via Facebook We are going through a period of time where the timelines are separating and a new timeline is emerging. I have known that this would happen for many years and wondered what it would feel like, and now I am finding out, and it’s a little uncomfortable for me, […]
What To Avoid When Timeline Jumping

By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com As we continue to accelerate towards a timeline split or bifurcation of timelines, we are steering the collective consciousness towards the highest and best outcome. The role as a timeline jumper (master of vibration) is of utmost importance at this time, but there are pitfalls to avoid that […]
Increasing Sentience- Embodying Our Personal Truth

By Lisa Renee Energysynthesis.com This month, we learn more about Increasing Sentience and the main collective consciousness forces involved in spiritual warfare on this earth. Currently massive internal power shifts are occurring that reorganize the hierarchy of the main players, in the Controller groups, that have been exerting the dominate world power. The shake up […]
Participating In The Shift Through Alchemy

By Bernhard Guenther What we are experiencing (and are currently in the midst of assimilating into our neurology) is a timeline-reality/realm split…this is a natural consequence of the collective path humanity chose to take, for not everyone is here in this “Now” to awaken. Many of us experience this “splitting”/cleaving of timelines within our own […]