Tag: lightworkers
The Game Called Earth
Galacticfoundation.com “Eons ago when queried if you would like to play a game, all you eager souls, without batting one of your lovely celestial eyelashes, immediately said “Yes!” And almost as immediately you embarked for Earth. Now it has been eons and eons and eons that you have been here, playing what we call “The […]
An Open Letter To The Illuminati Bloodline Families
Zingdad.com Greetings my friends, I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilization brought to you through Zingdad. Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as, the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, The Ruling Elite, The Cabal […]