Emotional Management
By Tom Montalk Montalk.net Have you ever gotten emotionally riled up over events which later turned out to be trivial? Do little things happen around you which “coincidentally” poke at your emotional sore spots? Does it seem like someone “behind the curtain” is pushing your buttons? In many cases, someone or something is. This article […]
Essential Self ‘Work’ In Preparation For The Shift
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com If you currently feel like you are without direction or perhaps you are struggling to ride the waves, there may still be a bit of self “work” that is left to clear your energy field. Those who are completing the self work are finally feeling “unplugged” from the matrix. […]
Important Information About Reiki
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com One of the first things a person wants to do after their awakening is to begin to serve others. Many of the awakened people on the planet are natural healers and learn a method of energy manipulation called Reiki. While this form of healing can be powerful, it […]
You’re Not Dying, It’s The Schumann Resonance!
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com By now, there isn’t one person on Earth that has not felt some kind of weird and unexplained physical symptom that makes them feel uncomfortable. Many do not understand why this is occurring, and some go to their doctor to find that there is nothing wrong with them. In […]
11 Signs That You May Need A Soul Shard Retrieval
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com Traumatic physical and emotional events can cause shards or pieces of our soul’s energy to fragment away. Soul loss is a mechanism which serves to protect us from unbearable suffering. These soul shards usually return back after a few hours or even days, but in some extreme cases these […]
Family Karma -How To Release Energetic Ties From Your Ancestors
By Leda De Zwaan Dreamcatcherreality.com This article is on family karma, energetic ties and your family being your biggest trigger and teacher. What is family karma? Family karma is the karma of your ancestral bloodline, from your parents down to you. Say your father was the most spiritually developed within his family and he had […]
Transformation Through The Five Essences Of Universal Love
By Morgan Lee We have experienced some incredible opportunities for major transformation over the 8/8 gateway and pre- eclipse period. Numerous possibilities, depending on where we were at, in our own journeys. A period of what seemed like extreme chaos, projection, blame, gossip, manipulation, etc. either as the recipient or a perpetrator. Many wondering what […]
Activating Your Latent DNA Is Easier Than You Think
By Michelle Walling Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com One of the most prevalent questions about ascension is how to activate DNA. If you remember that everything is backwards and upside down, you will have a good clue to what it takes to activate your latent DNA. Connecting the “junk DNA” referred to by matrix scientists is actually the […]
20 Signs Of Implantation
By Louisa Love Guest writer, howtoexitthematrix.com The Extraterrestrial Deception that is taking place here on Earth is a highly controversial subject, as it still remains hidden behind the layers of earthly mind distractions. To those of you who have raised your consciousness to such a degree that you can see, feel, hear or know that […]
Integration Of The Oversoul
By Humanity Healing Oversoul is a word that was originally coined to express the various aspects a very complex concept inside of the program of evolution: the parts of the Monadic Essence of Creation. The monad is a Greek philosophy term meaning “unit” and was used variously by ancient philosophers from the Pythagoreans to […]