Video: Aaron Russo’s Documentary ”America- Freedom To Fascism”

Filed in Videos by on March 24, 2015
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Director Aaron Russo completed this documentary for the people of the world before his death in August of 2007.

Russo’s films have been nominated for six Academy Awards, as well as seven Golden Globes. His films have won three Golden Globes and the Image Award.  “America: Freedom To Fascism” begins with a critical review of two monumental events that happened in 1913: the adoption of the 16th Amendment, which has been interpreted to authorize the forced taxation of individual income and the creation of the Federal Reserve, which turned the governance of America’s financial system over to a centralized private banking interest. The film intelligently and convincingly makes a strong case for the opinion that both the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve System are flatly unconstitutional and may not even have been legally adopted.

Russo’s film then factually demonstrates how modern presidents (especially Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II) have led America out of the light of liberty and into a dark alley of fascism (hence the film’s title). The film provides many examples to prove the reality of that statement.

Many very credible personalities are interviewed in the film including Texas Congressman Ron Paul, constitutional scholar Edwin Vieira, Jr. Esq., former IRS special agents and investigators, and several others. Russo also interviewed former IRS commissioners, and reviewed copious court cases, including Supreme Court cases. Predictably (for such a documentary), notable tax resistors such as Bob Schulz and Franklin Sanders were also interviewed. And, frankly, their arguments are compelling!

Russo also rightly connects the dots between developments such as the USA Patriot Act, the so-called “free trade” deals such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and the business and political alliance promoting illegal immigration with the overall push toward globalism and fascism.

Congressman Paul makes a compelling argument for the proposition that America is already in the process of becoming a police state. Russo also includes some disturbing police video which helps augment Paul’s point.

Russo, in thorough investigative form, interviews many people ranging from everyday folks on the street to high level government officials. He also gave people from both sides of the tax debate an opportunity to present their case.


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