Tag: gnostics
What is the Matrix Control System?

By Tom Montalk Montalk.net What is the Matrix Control System? We see a portion of it in the areas of government, military, medicine, finance, media, education, academia, and religion. These institutions engineer our belief systems and way of life. Their hidden architects may include secret societies, elite bloodlines, corporate syndicates, international bankers, government think tanks, […]
Exposing the Reincarnation Deception: Your Soul is Enslaved

By Greg Calise Riverbank of truth Have you ever actually wondered Why we reincarnate? Why is it that we have such short lives, and, for the most part, the only spiritual paths are very dubious religions and teachers? Or why those religions are built upon hierarchical structures? Have you ever wondered why there is so […]
The Final Grand Trick

by Greg Calise riverbankoftruth.com When you pull back the curtain on all of the illusions, what you find is quite preposterous. It is so absurd, so far removed from what we perceive as reality, that not many people would ever believe it. It is beyond science fiction. “The truth is paradoxical to the extent of […]