Tag: Matrix
Essential Work In Preparation For Exiting The Matrix
By Michelle Walling Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com We’ve come a long way, baby.! Over the years I have posted articles that share tips on what I felt the essential work for that time period should be. This information was gathered from my own life as well as the general consensus of people I have worked with and […]
Galactic War, Mind Control, The Matrix and You, Learning How To Break Free
By Rich West Richwest.net In this video, Rich discusses the essence of the mind control matrix and how it works. He also discusses what the Federations are doing about it here on planet Earth. NOTE: This is not PG rated due to language
Ascension To 5d New Earth Or A Whole New Creation?
Facebook live from Michelle Walling on August 26, 2018. This is a bit of a more serious of a talk, shedding light on the false 5d ascension timeline of the matrix. Is this your last lifetime here? How do we recognize the false light agenda? How do we really exit the matrix? Is Earth splitting […]
Identify Your Agent Smith In The Matrix
By Arno Pienaar Dreamcatcherreality.com The time has come to identify the force that works through the unconsciousness infiltrating the consciousness of everyone involved. Agent Smith is everywhere! People on Earth hold the greatest power; it is this power that has been manipulated by an unseen force that survives through the unconsciousness. Understanding Agent Smith Agent […]
Finding The Doorway Out Of The Matrix
By Michelle Walling Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com I am a bigger picture person. I have studied the light and the dark sides on this reality and of myself intensively, and I have found that there is one thing that will make my doorway or exit from this reality appear. This thing that I speak of has been […]
The Matrix Literally Has Your Soul — Reclaim It!
By Arno Pienaar From Dreamcatcherreality.com The matrix program has us all where it needs us, energizing everything besides our own souls, serving the illusion and rendering it in dominion over our creative birth rights. It seems there are very few of us still left that are really basking in our own light of consciousness. Living […]
The Starseed Mission Is Almost Complete!
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, Howtoexitthematrix.com Starseeds are beings who “heard the call” from Earth and the council that oversees Earth to come help a lower consciousness stop from destroying itself and all of it’s unique creations. This consciousness was created by power, greed, lust, and control. Many lessons will have been learned and much […]
The Matrix & The Sanskrit Texts
By V. Susan Ferguson Waking Times The film ‘The Matrix‘ contained some fundamental truths that many around the planet instinctively responded to. The universe is indeed a temporal illusory holographic matrix made up of varying frequencies, waveforms pulsating at specific vibratory rates. Beneath the Veil, the ‘curtain of each atom’, there really is nothing out […]
A New Matrix Provides A New Hologram For Earth
By Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, HowToExitTheMatrix A matrix is a grid system that provides the vessel required to have a physical representation of consciousness (light) in the form of a physical human body. The matrix on Earth was hijacked by those who dominated and controlled us for millennia through frequency technology fences and changes to […]
Waking Up In The False Matrix!
by Morag O’Brien The matrix. It signifies seeing beyond the invisible prison walls of our reality, and recognising and questioning its existence is one of the first signs of awakening — of truly waking up. At first, the beginning of our transition and re-calibration to higher frequencies beyond the construct of the matrix is […]